Please Make a donation to Expand Amyloid Education & Support



Where your donations will go...


Last year I said The plan for any donations would be to increase education and awareness of Amyloidosis within the community leading to earlier diagnosis and improved treatment. In talks with the hospital we wanted to create The Beth McHattie Amyloidosis Scholarship and send a student to the UCL hospital in London for education in Amyloidosis research and future support, they in turn would come back to Ayrshire put a medical paper together and circulate their knowledge to all departments that deal with Amyloid patients. In earlier discussions the hospital said they would contribute funding to match what we put forward.

This year things are so different, The Hospital contact who had so much passion left for a new post in Glasgow(head hunted) and the person targeted to move things forward in his absense has really been a disappointment and not really assisting me at this point.

I am working with a support group in Glasgow and the group will help me design a support framework for patients and then we will release your funds from the charity bank account.

its very slow moving but any progress on this will be published on the website.

The donate Button below allows donation via Payapal if you have an account

However if you do not have an account its fairly easy to set one up

Thanks for your Support